Gethuk Goreng

Monday, May 14, 2012 0 comments

             Gethuk Goreng and ordinary gethuk share some differences.First, Gethuk Goreng is different from ordinary Gethuk. Even though both Gethuk Goreng and ordinary Gethuk are made from cassava, Gethuk is made by boiling or steaming the cassava while Gethuk Goreng is made by frying the Gethuk. Gethuk Goreng is to be served when it’s still warm while Gethuk is to be servedwith grated coconut. Second, Gethuk Goreng has a unique taste. Even though Gethuk Goreng is made by frying the Gethuk, Gethuk Goreng has a little bitter taste that made Gethuk Goreng different from ordinary Gethuk. Because of these reasons, Gethuk Goreng become one of popular food in Java.

Written by Bagus Ardisaputra


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